How to Control Your Computer Through Your Voice
Hello, my name is Nishan. Some time in March 2013 I was trying to find a J.A.R.V.I.S.-like application to go along with my Iron Man-themed Rain meter skin. I soon realized there weren't many options out there aside from using Windows Speech Macros, so I started to play around with the Windows Speech SDK and over time it turned into this J.A.R.V.I.S. project.
Rainmeter |
I gave a demonstration video on YouTube just to show my creation, but then I was getting a ton of requests for tutorials, so I put up a few. As time went on, I started to learn more and build upon the program.
Down below is a provided list of requirements for the program to be able to run, updates/changes, and default commands you need to be aware of.
You can get the program here with this Mediafire link. Just install and watch the video below to see how to use the program
Download Rainmeter from----->