emoticons you can use that Facebook supports:
:) happy smile
:( sad face
:/ undecided smile
;) wink wink
o.O confused face
>:( mad / angry
^_^ cheer up
-_- disappointed smiley
:3 frowning lips
>:O surprised mad / angry face
:O surprised smile
:v pac man / pacmac
:'( crying / upset face
:P tongue out
:D big smile with teeth out
:* kiss , lady
8) glasses / clear
8| sunglasses / dark
O:) angel
3:) evil
<3 heart also can use alt 3
<(") penguin (animal)
(^^^) shark (animal)
:|] gray robot
:putnam: head
:42: red 42
:v pac man
:( sad face
:/ undecided smile
;) wink wink
o.O confused face
>:( mad / angry
^_^ cheer up
-_- disappointed smiley
:3 frowning lips
>:O surprised mad / angry face
:O surprised smile
:v pac man / pacmac
:'( crying / upset face
:P tongue out
:D big smile with teeth out
:* kiss , lady
8) glasses / clear
8| sunglasses / dark
O:) angel
3:) evil
<3 heart also can use alt 3
<(") penguin (animal)
(^^^) shark (animal)
:|] gray robot
:putnam: head
:42: red 42
:v pac man
Whenever I learn more, I would notify you guys. Hope I helped.